Auto Repair

Auto Repair Services

R&G Auto & Truck Repair offers reliable, honest service with our customers in mind. We are dedicated to getting your car repaired in a timely manner to get you back on the road.

  • R&G Icon_Engine Diagnostics

    Engine Diagnostics

    Is your check engine light on? Is your car running rough? Let our experienced diagnostic technicians evaluate your car today.

  • R&G Icon_Brakes, Steering, Suspension

    Brakes, Steering, Suspension

    Are your brakes making noise? Are you getting a shake when you apply your brakes? Is your vehicle making a popping noise or rattle? Allow us to properly inspect and diagnose your vehicle.

  • R&G Icon_Oil Changes, Maintenance

    Oil Changes & Scheduled Maintenance

    Oil changes and prevented maintenance are key to maintaining the longevity of your vehicle. Call us today to schedule your oil change, coolant flush, tire rotation, tune up and more.

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